Intel Surveillance
Creative Solutions has been providing Intel Surveillance and unmanned surveillance solutions to the tri-state area since 2014.
Our Intel Surveillance investigations, groundbreaking and unique within the industry, combines covertly deploying concealed static cameras with captured footage reviewed and analyzed by specially trained analysts. Our processes enable us to conduct surveillance over an extended period documenting activity, observing patterns and obtaining valuable evidence and intelligence.

The Creative Solutions Difference
There is a common misconception that deploying unmanned surveillance is as simple as “putting a camera in a tree,” however improper deployment of covert cameras by unskilled or non professional investigators can easily compromise an investigation and lead to legal and ethical issues. Just as quality field surveillance requires an experienced licensed professional, unmanned surveillance should be approached with the same diligence.
Creative Solutions’ thoughtful consideration and legal research before embarking on an Intel Surveillance investigation, has resulted in obtaining admissible evidence in countless litigations. Our processes, methods and evidence has withheld the scrutiny of courts, the legal community and the New Jersey State Bar Association. Creative Solutions’ staff of legal professionals regularly provide CLE (continuing legal education) classes to attorneys on subjects such as surveillance and privacy.

Benefits (how it can benefit your case)
The benefits of an Intel Surveillance are clear. Maintaining a consistent view of locations, remaining covert, capturing footage essential and specific to the investigation without having the cost of a field investigator, is the future of surveillance. Many of our clients request an Intel Surveillance investigation before deploying field agents or initiating a more comprehensive investigation. The consistent results obtained at a fraction of the cost of traditional, often antiquated surveillance methods have provided Creative Solutions’ clients with tremendous results. At Creative Solutions, the future is NOW.

Your Intel Surveillance Experts
Dan Coleman
Gregory Bartku
Technical Surveillance Manager